Press Release Summary = Only $100 one time out of pocket will result in $2500 profit + a diamond worth $2700 over and over again.
Press Release Body = The company is Canadian Diamond Traders Inc.
They have two Great program: $500 entry level or $100 entry level.
Every cycle from the $500 program you get $3,000 plus one diamond (worth $2700).
When you cycle from the $100 program you make $500 which is automatically entered into the $500 program plus one diamond (worth $400 - Canary Yellows and Polar Blues Available through the Feeder).
Only $500 one time out of pocket will result in $3000 profit + a diamond worth $2700 over and over again.
There is no limit to how many positions you can have!
NO limit to the number of times you can cycle!
No limit to how many $3000 checks + valuable diamonds you can collect!
Unlike other programs there\'s no out-of-pocket fee for entering your next matrix. There\'s no monthly fees for being a Diamond Member either. This means you can put more profits to work for you marketing CDT.
The program offers the following attractive features:
2-year Money Back Guarantee (conditioned you sponsored 2 members) *
Repeat Customers *
Revolving System (to boost weak positions) *
Upline Assist and Spill-Over from above and below *
Compression (if someone is in a coma :-) *
Feeder for All (affordable $100 positions) *
Internet Based and World-Wide *
Residual Income Earned because of \'Follow The Leader\' feature
All of this helps push the cycles faster.
Here are a few important facts about CDT:
CDT (Canadian Diamond Traders) is a diamond wholesaler *
CDT was wholesaling diamonds for 2 years now. *
Member of American Chamber of Commerce (Canada) *
Member of the Ontario Management Board of Cabinet *
CDTs gems are apprised by \'Gem Scan International\'. Gem Scan is the largest appraiser in Canada. They appraise for BIRKS, MAPPINS and others. They also provide the Grading report. *
CDT only makes a profit when you cycle and a diamond is purchased through the program. *
CDT had criminal lawyers and MLM lawyers assess the program. Their MLM lawyer is Howard David Marks. *
The Ontario Management Board of Cabinet did a 4-day audit of their program and then endorsed it.
Here is a PowerPoint presentation that explains the program in details:,1,Slide 1
[Click here to download a free PowerPoint viewer]
Here is quick overview
Pictures of the Canadian Company Plus the Diamond and a cycle out check
Live Conference Calls: Monday through Thursday 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 10:00 pm EST 646-519-5800 pin 8729#
Friday 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm EST 646-519-5800 pin 8729#
Saturday 12:00 noon EST 646-519-5800 pin 8729#
Thanks for your time, if you are interested please email me or just fil in the form on my website.
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